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It literally translates to "is the most large kid ever." In reality it may mean to say that the subject (omitted in the question) is the best kid ever.

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Q: What does 'est le plus grand gosse jamais' mean in french?
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What does forever and always mean in French?

toujours et pour jamais

What does ses la gosse de mon frere mean in french?

C'est (not ses) la gosse de mon frère = It is my brother's kid.

What does mais jamais mean?

Well, in French mais means 'but' and jamais means 'never', so logically, it must mean something along the lines of 'well, I never'.

What does bolosse mean?

"bolosse" does not exist in French. Maybe you mean "beau gosse", which is the noun "handsome" and means literally "beautiful boy" in French slang.

What does plus jamais mean?

"Plus jamais" is a French phrase that translates to "never again" in English. It is often used to express a determination to prevent a negative event or situation from happening in the future.

What does 'vous ne comprendrez jamais' in french mean in English?

You will never understand. Not this answer, you will. But it is in fact the answer to your question. "You will never understand" translates to your French line.

What does vous gosse bebe mean?

vous: you, gosse: kid, bébé: baby

What does the French phrase 'rester avec mais a jamais' mean?

The French phrase 'rester avec mais Ã? jamais' means to stay with [someone] but [not] forever. In the word-by-word translation, the infinitive form of the verb, 'rester', means 'to stay or remain'. The preposition 'avec' means 'with'. The preposition 'Ã?' means 'to or for'. And the adverb 'jamais' means 'always, ever'.

What does jamais vu mean?

jamais vu is spelled 'never seen' in English.

Votre trรจs jolie chose jamais mean?

your very pretty thing never... (doesn't make great sense in French)

What does mieux vuat tard que jamais mean?

"Mieux vaut tard que jamais" is a French expression that translates to "better late than never" in English. It conveys the idea that it is better to do something late than to not do it at all.

What is toi jamais mean?

you, neverthank you,