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ATP is broken into ADP.Adenosine Tri Phosphate into Adenosine Di Phosphate.

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Q: What does ATP change into when the third P-bond is broken?
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What is released when the chemical bond is broken between the second and third phrosphrates of an ATP molecule?


Is energy released when two ATP molecules are broken?

The bond between the second and third phosphate is broken forming ADP when energy is released from ATP.

Is used ATP discarded?

No, when ATP is used, the bond between the second and third phosphate bonds are broken, forming ADP and a phosphate group, which can then reform into ATP.

How is ATP resynthesised?

First ATP is broken down by breaking the bond between the third and second bond between the phosphate groups in ATP. Forming a phosphate and ADP. These are then rejoined. This for example, occurs during chemiosmosis, in photosynthesis, forming again ATP.

What ATP energy?

ATP holds energy in its phosphate bond. When ATP's third phosphate is broken, it releases a lot of energy, often enough to drive a reaction forward.

What makes energy ATP?

ATP holds energy in its phosphate bond. When ATP's third phosphate is broken, it releases a lot of energy, often enough to drive a reaction forward.

What is released when the chemical bonds is broken between the second and third phosphates of an ATP molecule?

energy is released

What is released when chemicals bond is broken between the second and third phosphates of an ATP molecule?

energy is released

How is energy releaded from ATP?

The bond between the third phosphate molecule and the second in the ATP molecule is broken down and energy is released. Because it is an exergonic reaction.

How does a change from ATP to ADP provide and organism with energy?

Anytime a chemical bond is broken energy is produced. ATP having a volatile Triphosphate bond allows for the third phosphate molecule to be easily removed and produce energy.

How energy is stored in and released from ATP?

Through photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration. -anonymous18_K

Through which of the following processes is energy released in the form of ATP?

ATP has 3 phosphate groups and when the bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken energy is released. Usually this breaking of the third bond happens when ATP reacts with water