

What does C2 H5 O2 N?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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7y ago

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C2H2N, is not a molecule per se, it is merely the empirical formula for the molecule C8H8N4, which I do not know what it is.

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Q: What does C2 H5 O2 N?
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#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class complex { int a,b; public: void read() { cout<<"\n\nEnter the REAL PART : "; cin>>a; cout<<"\n\nEnter the IMAGINARY PART : "; cin>>b; } complex operator +(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.a=a+c2.a; c3.b=b+c2.b; return c3; } complex operator -(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.a=a-c2.a; c3.b=b-c2.b; return c3; } complex operator *(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.a=(a*c2.a)-(b*c2.b); c3.b=(b*c2.a)+(a*c2.b); return c3; } complex operator /(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.a=((a*c2.a)+(b*c2.b))/((c2.a*c2.a)+(c2.b*c2.b)); c3.b=((b*c2.a)-(a*c2.b))/((c2.a*c2.a)+(c2.b*c2.b)); return c3; } void display() { cout<<a<<"+"<<b<<"i"; } }; void main() { complex c1,c2,c3; int choice,cont; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\t\tCOMPLEX NUMBERS\n\n1.ADDITION\n\n2.SUBTRACTION\n\n3.MULTIPLICATION\n\n4.DIVISION"; cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice : "; cin>>choice; if(choice==1choice==2choice==3choice==4) { cout<<"\n\nEnter the First Complex Number";; cout<<"\n\nEnter the Second Complex Number";; } switch(choice) { case 1 : c3=c1+c2; cout<<"\n\nSUM = "; c3.display(); break; case 2 : c3=c1-c2; cout<<"\n\nResult = "; c3.display(); break; case 3 : c3=c1*c2; cout<<"\n\nPRODUCT = "; c3.display(); break; case 4 : c3=c1/c2; cout<<"\n\nQOUTIENT = "; c3.display(); break; default : cout<<"\n\nUndefined Choice"; } cout<<"\n\nDo You Want to Continue?(1-Y,0-N)"; cin>>cont; }while(cont==1); getch(); }

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You had two sex in the beginning of december.and the the end of november.not sure who the father is?

You will have to wait until the baby is born, then run a DNA check on the two men. <h5>Sperm usually lives for up to 72 hours; therefore, a woman can conceive any time within those three days. Your post is not a question, although you ended it with a question mark.</h5><h5><br>If you are asking how you can determine who the father is, you have options. </h5><h5>1) DNA test</h5><h5>2) ultrasound to determine how far along you are</h5><h5><br>I would assume that your OB will tell you that a DNA test is the way to be 100% certain.</h5>

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