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Q: What does Cuantos anos tiene tu mama?
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What does cuantos anos tiene tu abuela mean in English?

"How old is your grandmother?"

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How old is your uncle? ('tio' could also mean 'bloke, fellow')

What does entonces tu cuantos anos tienes tu mean in English?

The phrase "entonces tu cuántos años tienes tú" translates to "so, how old are you?" in English.

How do you say how old is your mom in spanish?

"¿Que edad tiene tu mamá?" or "¿Cuantos años tiene tu mamá?"

What does cuantos anos tienes tu mean?

It means how old are you? The literal translation is how many years do you have.

Jose tiene quince anos y tu?

"Jose is 15 years old and you?"

How do you reply to Cuantos anos tiene ella in spanish?

"Cuantos anos tienes?" literally means "How many years do you have?" in Spanish. Basically, they are asking "How old are you?" To answer this, you would say "Tengo (how ever many years old you are) anos." For example, if you are seven. You would say, "Tengo siete anos." This literally means "I have seven years," but basically means "I am seven years old."

How do ask someone how old their mother is in spanish?

¿Qué edad/cuantos anos tiene su / tu / vuestramamá? (tilde on 'n' in 'anos')*Su --- de usted / de ustedes (your) (formal, both singular and plural; only formal and familiar in Spanish America)* tu --- de ti (your, familiar singular)*vuestra --- de vosotros, as (your, familiar plural for both genders.)

Cual es la fecha cuantos anos tienes tu donde vives?

No tengo una fecha de nacimiento, ya que soy un programa de inteligencia artificial. Resido en el ciberespacio, así que no tengo una ubicación física como los seres humanos. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte concretamente?

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'How many children does your maternal grandmother have?'

What is the chavacano de zamboanga translation of how many sister and brother do you have?

Cuantos hermanas y hermanos tu tiene? o (or) Cuantos Hermanos tu tienes? (this for plurality sake or in general context) same as "Your Parents" as "Tus Padres" o "Tu tata y nana"

How do you say how many sisters does your mom have in spanish?

Cuantas hermanas tiene tu mama?