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Veterans Day is called "armistice" in French, or very commonly "le onze novembre" after Nov. 11, where it is held.

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Q: What does France call Veterans Day?
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What does Canada call its Veterans Day?

Remembrance Day

Veterans Day Call Originally?

Armistice Day

What other name do you call Veterans Day?

Remembrance Day (Canada, Australia)Armistice Day (France, Belgium)Poppy Day (South Africa)Anzac Day (New Zealand)Remembrance Sunday (United Kingdom, Ireland)Volkstrauertag (Germany)Veterans Day (United States)

What was it called before it was call Veterans Day?

Armistice Day .

In the old days What did they call Veterans Day?

Armistice Day

What do other country call Veterans Day?

Armistice Day, Remembrance Day are some.

What did people used to call Veterans Day?

It used to be called armisitce day until Eisenhower changed it to veteran's day

What did people call Veterans Day?

Errr...i'm pretty sure Veterans Day....... They don;t change the name of holiday's. -Facepalm- Errr.... I'm pretty sure it was Armistice Day. It was changed in the United States after World War II to Veterans Day. It was originally Armistice Day after World War I when an armistice was signed by the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiegne, France. It was signed at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918.

What was the original name for the day of remembrance we call Veterans' Day?

It was originally called Armistice Day, which was in honor of the men who fought in World War I, whereas Veterans Day is in honor of all those who have served in the US armed forces.

What is better Veterans Day or Memorial Day?

Veterans Day

What is the importance veterans day?

what is the importance veterans day

What was the Veterans Day called before Veterans Day?

Armistice Day .