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George sees a can of insecticide on the shelf in the bunkhouse that gives him pause. He is concerned about the safety of using the substance as it may pose health risks to himself and his bunkmates.

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Q: What does George see in the bunkhouse that gives him pause?
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What does she come into the bunkhouse?

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Why is the bunkhouse important in 'Of Mice and Men?

the bunkhouse reveals the futility of the ranch worker's lives, ''these shelves were loaded with talcum powder, razors and those western magazines men love to read and scoff at and secretly believe'', not only do we see they have no permanent possessions we also see the hope the have for a better existence. Furthermore although the bunkhouse is where they sleep we realize it is not a home, ''inside the wall were whitewashed and the floor unpainted'' showing there is no personal touch to the room or care taken and that there living standards are poor. Crooks is also not allowed in the bunkhouse an so to an extent we can see the bunkhouse as a 'microcosm' for the outside world where Black society were considered outsiders. Furthermore it is a setting where important events happen such as Lennie and Curley's fight and repeatedly Curley's Wife is in the door way of the Bunkhouse symbolizing that she is also an outsider and how they feel safe in the bunkhouse as it as if she cannot taint them and neither can the outside world.

How do you use pause in a sentence?

example: Pause after each commma and period that you see, so that people understand what you are saying.

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In the pause menu there is a button saying "Pause Game"! Seriously its as obvious to see it as a cow in your front yard!

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Whit mentions that George and Lennie must have come to work because he didn't see them around the bunkhouse. He assumes they went to the town for the night.

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do at that those paws but i couldnt see it so pause the movie

How do you pause your game on virtual famillies?

First you go to the menu, then you click on options, then you see a button that says "pause game" there are 2 boxes one is above the word yes and one is above the word no, tap the box that is above yes. That is how to pause virtual familys.

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It is impossible to do so.

How do you pause stick wars?

around in the upper right corner, next to the music button, you'll see button with the pause symbol on it, all you need to do is click on it, it might take a while if you have a slow computer

When do you beat the speed slice champion on Wii sports resort?

To beat him a good tip is to pause the game the instant you see the object appear on the screen so when you un pause it you are prepared to slice the object.

What does Macbeth see on his way to kill that forces him to pause?

Macbeth sees a vision of a floating dagger pointing him the way to King Duncan's chamber, which forces him to pause in realization of the gravity of his actions and the consequences of his ambition.

How many words can you make out of applesauce?

sea see pause peep ape cup please apple