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example: Pause after each commma and period that you see, so that people understand what you are saying.

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Q: How do you use pause in a sentence?
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What do you use to create a short pause in a sentence?

A comma ,

What are the main uses of commas?

Commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, separate independent clauses in a compound sentence, and set off nonessential information in a sentence.

When do you use a comma in a sentence?

You use a comma in a sentence to separate items in a list, to set off introductory phrases or clauses, to separate independent clauses when joined by a coordinating conjunction, and to set off non-essential information such as appositives or parenthetical elements.

Do you use a comma or period for for when you use it instead of because?

A comma is typically used when "for" is used in place of "because." For example: "He went to the store, for he needed to buy some milk."

When do you use a comma in a complex sentence?

Use a comma when you hear a pause in the sentence for a natural break, though short, between word groups within the sentence.

When you start a sentence with the word but does it need a comma after it?

Not necessarily. The comma indicates a pause in speech. Use a comma after "but" only to indicate a noticeable pause in speech. If there is no pause, there should be no comma.

When do you know to use a comma?

Commas are usually used to indicate a pause in speech or to separate ideas in a sentence. Where there is no pause and no confusion of ideas there should be no comma.

How do you know when to use a comma?

Use a comma to separate items in a list, before a conjunction in a compound sentence, after an introductory phrase, to set off non-essential information, and to separate adjectives. Additionally, commas are used with dates, addresses, and in direct address.

Is it correct to use four dots instead of three?

In grammar, three dots in a row indicates a pause. It is expected that the sentence or dialogue will continue after the dots. Four dots means a pause and the end of that sentence.

What is used to show a large pause or interruption in thought within a sentence?

you would use these dots- ......

What does pause mean in drama?

pause means how the sentence/sentences are said. where people stop those are the pauses in drama people use pauses for effect. so say you where in a murder scene and the murder was revealed people might use dramatic pause for effect there.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word pause?

Joe had to pause when he was told.