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Hammurabi threatens that any future Babylonian king who does not follow the laws he established will incur the wrath of the gods and risk divine punishment, both in this life and in the afterlife.

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Q: What does Hammurabi threaten will happen to any future babylonians king who doesn't follow these laws?
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What does Hammurabi code reveal about babylonians society?

It means that the code was important not only for what it said, but also that was written down so that people could see the code but also follow it.

Did the Sumerians and Babylonians follow the Ten Commandments?

No, the Sumerians and Babylonians did not follow the Ten Commandments. However they had their own moral values, taught by their own religion.

Why did hammurabi develop a code to follow?

Hammurabi wrote a code to follow because people that did something wrong should get punished like they did to someone else

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Hammurabi improved the rule of law by writing down some moral principles everybody had to follow. This is called "Hammurabi's Code".

Is it true that king Hammurabi set down rules for everyone in his empire to follow?

King Hammurabi is known for the set of laws he compiled called Hammurabi's Code, which are one of the earliest surviving codes of law in recorded history. But, most Kings set down rules for everyone in their kingdom to follow.

Did king Hammurabi set down rules for everyone in his empire to follow?

yes he did :)

What pattern did the laws in Hammurabi code follow?

:) hi again uglies (:

What principles of US government seem to follow the code of Hammurabi?

The codification and the making of a prologue.

What would Hammurabi do if someone didn't follow the law?

Hammurabi, the ancient Babylonian ruler, enforced strict punishments for those who did not follow the laws. Depending on the severity of the offense, penalties could range from fines or physical punishments to more severe measures like death. Hammurabi's Code is famous for its principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," emphasizing proportional punishment based on the nature of the crime committed.

Why did Hammurabi have his law engraved in stone and place in a public place?

Hammurabi have his laws engraved in stone and placed in a public place becuse he didnt want to get follow around by people

Was Hammurabi laws fair to the people?

no it is unfair to the people there are to many useless stupid laws that they have to follow

What pattern does Hammurabi's code follow?

Rules and regulations for living in society Apex