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If I'm not mistaken, Hester did not meet Chillingworth in the forest. She met him in the prison and on a beach (I believe). During the first interaction, he asked her to pretend she didn't know him. During the second, she asked him to stop torturing Dimmesdale.

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Q: What does Hester ask of Chillingworth while they are alone in the forest?
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Is roger chillingworth Hester prynne's husband?

No, Roger Chillingworth is not Hester Prynne's husband. Hester Prynne's husband is Roger's assumed identity, as his real name is revealed later in the novel as Roger Prynne.

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Hester Prynne's crime in "The Scarlet Letter" is committing adultery, as she has a child, Pearl, outside of her marriage to Roger Chillingworth. She is publicly shamed and forced to wear a scarlet letter "A" on her chest as a symbol of her sin.

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Why did chilling worth want hide his true identity?

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How do Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape their suffering?

Hester plans to escape her suffering by leaving the town and starting a new life with Pearl, while Dimmesdale initially plans to confess his sin publicly as a way to ease his guilt and suffering. However, he ultimately decides to escape by secretly leaving with Hester and Pearl to start a new life away from the judgment of society.