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it means it hasn't fully downloaded yet just reconnect to wifi and see if it has a little more downloading to go

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Q: What does It mean when your ipod app is waiting?
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When a ipod app wont load and says waiting what does it mean?

I have no idea. The same is happening to me

How do you get animations on iPod?

Unless you mean the app, you can not.

What do if an app wont download on your ipod touch?

If the app just says waiting turn it off then back on by then the apps shouldve been loaded by then

How do you dele waiting iPod apps from another accout?

have to wait till the app download before you can delete it

Is there an iPod Touch future app?

I do not know what you mean...

How do you get an app off your ipod after the app still says waiting it wont get off you tired deleting it sumone help you?

Complete the download and then delete it from your home screen

How do you delete waiting ipod touch apps?

You need to go into a wifi area and then it will stop waiting and start loading. Then you have the app you purchased and may delete it if you want.

What does it mean when your shoes have the Nike plus iPod sign?

This means that it is compatible with the Nike App on your iPod or iPhone.

How can you stop your ipod from throwing you out of an app?

mmm i think you mean the app is crashing, normally deleting and redownloading the app fix that problem

Is there an app for getting on your PC on your Ipod?

if you mean viewing your PC from your iPod, there is. the easiest, i believe, is called splashtop. it has an app for your iPod, and will let you use your PC through your iPod. You will also need to download software for your PC, which is on splashtop's website.

What does it mean if a iPod throughs you out if an app?

nothing much. sometimes it just does that. or sometimes if you try to go back on that app or on another app the ipod touch will shut off. it will shut off because it is out of battery.

Why does your Ipod app say it is waiting?

It means that it is either waiting for a connection with your server. Or if you have multiple downloads it's waiting fir the others to finish downloading. You can change how many apps you want downloaded at a time on your PC, computer, or Mac