

What does Obama do with your taxes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Barack Obama personally does not do anything with your taxes, nor did George W. Bush or any other president. The government collects taxes and uses them to fund various programs and public services, no matter which president is in office. A case could certainly be made that the government wastes money (this claim is made no matter which party is in power), but contrary to talk show assertions, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are totally innocent when it comes to wasteful spending. But blaming the president alone is not accurate, since the budget must be approved (and often modified) by the congress.

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Barack Obama states he will not raise taxes.

Does Barack Obama support taxes?

There is no such thing as "supports taxes" or "does not support taxes." Taxes are a fact of life, there is no way for Pres. Obama to not support taxes. President Obama supports a progressive tax, meaning rates are higher on the rich then the poor.

What is obama point of view on the taxes?

raise taxes

How does Barack Obama feel about taxes?

Obama loves taxes because he's a politician and all they want is more federal power. Obama's also a liberal and thus twice as bad as a normal politician. So Obama loves taxes because they add to the federal reserve.

Can you give a list of Obama's staff who actually paid taxes?

There are currently 100 Obama staff members that have not yet filed taxes.

What is Barack Obama's point of view on taxes?

From what Obama's statements he wants to make taxes fair for everyone , even the wealthier americans of the u.s

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Raise your taxes.

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he wants to rise them

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Taxes Obama compared with McCain?

Higher, higher taxes for richer people, lower taxes for poor people.

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