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Q: What does One dip of Copenhagen is how many cigarettes?
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What is a Copenhagen smile?

It's the face(smile) you make when you have dip in your mouth. Dip is chewing tobacco and Copenhagen at one time was a popular brand which is where the term "copenhagen smile" comes from.

Does Larry the cable guy dip?


Which are the Strongest nicotine levels in brands of dip to the weakest level?


Did chris ledoux actually dip Copenhagen?

Yes, but he had to quit after his liver transplant.

Does applying tobacco to a hornet sting help?

Yes try a dip of Skoal or Copenhagen

Does Toby Keith dip?

yes, toby keith dips copenhagen long cut

Are Chew Snuff and Dip just as bad as smoking cigarettes?


How many chemicals are in one dip of grizzy chew?

One dip's worth.

How does holding an average size dip in ones mouth for 30 minutes compare to smoking a cigarette?

One can of dip can give 6-8 average pinches. One can also holds about 4 packs of cigarettes worth of nicotine. So one pinch would equal 10-13 cigarettes. That is usually absorbed within that first 30 mins.

Can you take dip in your luggage underneath a plane?

Dip may be taken in checked baggage on a plane - underneath it. As dip is a foodstuff, many countries would prohbit it being brought in from another country. <><><> Please note- in some parts of the US, dip is also the term used for smokeless tobacco, such as Skoal or Copenhagen. And yes, that can be packed in checked baggage.

What kind of dip is safest to use?

The safest form of dip is the ones with the least amount of fiberglass in the chew. This includes all of the lower end brands. Copenhagen is the only one without any added.

Why do scientists say tobacco companies add propylene glycol to cigarettes?

Scientists say tobacco companies add propylene glycol to cigarettes because propylene glycol does not occur naturally in tobacco, but it is found in cigarettes. It is added to cigarettes and other tobacco products to help them keep their moisutre content steady. No one wants to light a cigarette and have it erupt in flames or take a dip of dry snuff.