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Q: What does Spotting after sex mean?
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8th month dark brown spotting what does this mean?

There are several causes for dark brown spotting at 8 months in a pregnancy. These include preterm labor and having sex.

What does it mean when you have protected sex and you have a little spotting a week before your period?

Could be an implantation bleed where Embie implants on womb lining.

Is spotting normal when you have the paragard for two years?

Spotting can happen to anyone, with or without the IUD. Occasionally, spotting can be a sign that the IUD is partially expelled. If spotting happens more often after sex, or if you have pain during sex or at other times, contact your health care provider for information and an exam.

Can brown spotting be a sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy symptom, but just because you have brown spotting it doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Spotting can occur during implantation (where the fertilised egg attaches into the womb lining) Implantation generally occurs around 10 days after sex.

What does it mean if you bleed again about a week after you end your period?

Honey, it's called a spotting. It's completely normal. If you have had sex, it's possible you may be pregnant.

If you get brown spotting a couple of days then no spotting does that mean that you are going to get your period soon?


Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

What if your period never came back on after sex it was spotting here and there but not a period?

you might be pregnant

5 weeks and spotting is brownish and now reddish?

It could be impantation spotting. If you had sex within a day of the spotting starting it could be from the cervix. However if it is changing to red you need to go to see a doctor asap, and make sure your not having a miscarriage. When I was first pregnant with my baby I had spotting without sex and it was from implantation but it was brown blood which is old blood. Red blood is fresh blood!! Good luck.

Is spotting a sign of chlamydia?

It can be. Chlamydia can infect the cervix and cause irregular bleeding or spotting after sex. If you think you might be at risk, see your health care provider for testing.

What does it mean when your upper and lower stomach hurts and spotting?

If you've been spotting it really means you're pregnant.

Bright red spotting 14 days after period?

Some women experience some spotting at ovulation. If you had unprotected sex in the days leading up to the 14th day, you could be pregnant. Have a test done if your period doesn't come or you had unprotected sex and are worried.