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The sky father is a recurring theme in mythology. The sky father is the complement of the earth mother and appears in some creation myths, many of which are European or ancient Near Eastern. Other cultures have quite different myths; Egyptian mythology features a sky mother and an earthly dying and reviving god of vegetation. Shinto gives precedence to a sun goddess. A sky father also relates to a solar deity, a god identified with the sun.

  • In Maori mythology, Ranginui was the sky father. In this story, the sky father and earth mother Papatuanuku, embraced and had divine children.
  • In China, the God of the Abrahamic religions is sometimes called 天父 which means the Sky Father or Heavenly Father.
  • In ancient Rome the sky father, or sky god, was Jupiter (Zeus, Ζεύς, in Ancient Greece). Often depicted by birds, usually the Eagle or Hawk, and clouds or other sky phenomena. Nicknames included, "Sky God" and, "Cloud Gatherer." Most predominantly heard in The Iliad, an epic poem written by the Greek poet Homer. While many attribute a sky god to the sun, Jupiter ruled mainly over the clouds and the heavens, while Apollo is referred to as the god of the sun. Apollo was, however, the child of Jupiter.
  • In ancient Egypt, Horus was ruler of the sky. He was shown as a typical male humanoid, however, he appeared to have the head of a falcon. It is not uncommon for birds to represent the sky in ancient religions, as birds were one of the few creatures that flew.
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