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Q: What does a Red bellied water moccasin look like?
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What do water moccasin eggs look like?

They look like an oval shape and are white. You will find them near edge of the water, they will be hidden in dirt.

Why does the water moccasin look the way it does?

not sure

Is a Copperhead snake same as water moccasin?

No. Copperheads and water moccasins are two different species, though they are closely related. The copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix. The water moccasin is Agkistrodon piscivorus.

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What does a water moccasin look like?

Hole in the ground. Snakes don't really dig holes, but they will make use of holes that are already available. Filling in the holes probably won't have much effect though since they can slip into very small openings and will find a way to get around.

What do red bellied spider monkeys look like?

See the picture on the Related Link below.

What color is a water moccasin?

Young moccasins are light colored and may have a yellow tail-tip, but adults are very dark, ranging from gray or brown to black. They have some banding, but many cottonmouth snakes look completely black.

What does a yellow and white snake look like?

The yellow-bellied sea snake has black on the top. It has a yellow belly. It also has black dots.

What does the water with the milk in it look like?

when you put water inside milk, the milk will look like what it did without water.

In Germany what does santa look like?

Santa Claus always looks the same in every country!

Are yellow bellied slider the same as yellow bellied turtles?

They are basically the same thing but yellow bellied sliders are more commonly said as the name of the turtle. Yes they are the same. Look it up, y do want to know, it doesn't make a difference, of how you say it they are the same thing.

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