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Savannah cats come in all shapes and sizes but I'll give you a brief description of them.

-Most Savannah are very long and tall in size. If you feed them too much they will become overweight pretty easily. But have no fear, they lose it pretty quickly too since they play so hard.

-They are very long and big even as kittens and if they are as high as a F4 to F7 breed of Savannah they grow to be quite big (almost as big as your medium sized dog, if not bigger- and some are)

-They are mostly dark colored: Black, gray, brown, tan and almost always have stripes or spots. They have very unique markings, especially around their face and tail. Some often remind me of Bengal cats or just a mix of Siamese and bob cats.

-They are known to have very big and prominent ears.

-Most have blue eyes, but it's not uncommon for them to have a orangey or green color to their eyes.

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What are F3 Savannah cats?

An F3 Savannah cat is like the 3rd generation, an F1 is the kid of a wild cat and a savannah, an f2 is the kid of that savannah and another savannah, an f3 is the kid of one of an f2 savannahs.

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What is the difference between an F1 and an F7 Savannah Cat?

With Savannah Cat breeding, the number after the F is how far removed from being a wild cat the generation is. An F1 cat is bred directly from a Serval cat and a Bengal cat. An F7 Savannah is bred from other Savannah cats and is a 7th generation from the original two cats that were bred together to create it.

What kind of cat is a savannah?

The Savannah cat is a breed of cat created from mixing a serval and a common housecat. It is not the type of pet cat that can be adopted from your local animal shelter; someone wanting to buy a Savannah will usually have to contact a breeder.

How do you know if you have a Savannah?

A savannah cat is usually tall, long, and sleek. They have spots.

Are Savannah cats and servals the same?

No, a Savannah is a mix of a serval and a domestic cat.

Are savannah cats independent do they like to be picked and what cat will come on your lap on its own?

Wild Savannah cats are independent. When domesticated, they will come to your lap on their own.

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Can you purchase a Savannah cat in the state of Georgia?

Unfortunately Savannah cats are not legal in Georgia.

Is Savannah lessard at boy?

no, she is indeed a cat.

What wild cat lives in the Savannah?

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