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Q: What does a chicken leg left at your door mean in Santeria?
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What does a chicken bone mean in front of your door?

When someone puts a chicken bone outside of your door, that means someone is putting a curse on you. To break the curse, pour salt counter-clockwise around your house for protection.

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A dead chicken on a door step may mean different things in voodoo or sanitera. This is used to indicate a bad omen in most instances.

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to cleanse a person from negativity surrounding that individual

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Nothing. Restring them or get new ones.

What does it mean when you find a chicken bone hanging behind your door?

When you find a chicken bone hanging behind our door that means good luck or a voodoo thing to wear off bad spirit's.

A chicken in every pot - What does it mean?

No person left with "want". No one left hungry or neededing

What does it mean when person practicing santeria has love written on four fingers of one hand and hate on four fingers of the other?

Tattoos such as that are fairly common place. It doesn't have anything to do specifically with practicing Santeria.

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'It is the second door on the left.'

What does it mean when you see a humming bird inside a house?

It means you left the door open.

What does it mean if someone left a dead decaying bobcat at my door?

Who said someone did. It possibly died there.

How do you get past the bridge on nabooti island?

There is a "bridge" of stones at the scorpion pit in the tomb at Giza. (Line up the wall lines so they are all flat ---- ) If you mean, "help the woman across the falls" (not actually a bridge), the process is: 1) take the chicken left 2) take the fox left, bring back the chicken 3) take the feed left 4) take the chicken left