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It causes a virus

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Q: What does a flagella do in your bodies?
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How do you amoeboid organisms with skeletons move food into bodies?

by using flagella

Basal bodies that form cilia and flagella originate from?

Contains cell in the body

What is periplasmic flagella?

Periplasmic flagella do not extend outside of the cell's outer membrane, but stay wrapped around the inner membrane compartment of the cell. These bacteria move by twisting their bodies like a cork screw. For more information about this, check out the spirochete flagella.

What is the whip-like tail called?

Flagella. Flagella Flagellum (flagella is the plural form) flagella

Cilia and flagella move due to energy provided by the enzymatic breakdown of ATP by?

basal bodiesbasal bodiesbasal bodiesbasal bodies actin

Do protists have cilia or flagella?

Yes A flagellum, also called undulipodium, is a whip-like structure used for locomotion, for feeding or other purposes. Almost all organisms have flagella to include protozoa (at some stage in their lives). We humans have them in our bodies. Even our own spermatozoa can be regarded as flagellates. All these flagella have a similar basic design. flagellum, also called undulipodium, is a whip-like structure used

What is prokaryotic cell movement attributed to?

cilia and flagella

Do eukaryotic cells contain flagella?

They have flagella with 9+2 structure.Bacterial flagella differs from it

Do protista have a flagella?

Yes, protista do have flagella.

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What protist uses flagella?

No protists ure a flagella because only animal cells have a flagella.

Archaebacteria use what to move?

they use there but to push then they blow a bomb