

What does a frequency of 10hz equal?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What does a frequency of 10hz equal?
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360m/s/10hz = 36m

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Using V = fλ ,speed = 10 x 30= 300 msˉ¹

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The speed (v) of a wave = frequency (f) x wavelength (λ); v = ƒ• λ.To solve for wavelength when you have speed and frequency, divide speed by the frequency; λ = v/ƒ .λ = v/ƒ = 25m/s x 10Hz = 250m

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No. It uses triple-Darlington amplifier stages, and has a rated frequency response only down to 10Hz. It cannot amplifier 0Hz (DC) inputs.

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10HZ. Enjoi!

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10-1 sec

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the frequency is less than OR EQUAL TO the cumulative frequency

Wave speed is equal to multipied by frequency?

The speed of a wave is equal to the product of its frequency and wavelength.

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When frequency of a vibrating body becomes equal to its natural frequency the body starts vibrating vigorously due to resonance.

The wave equation says that a waves speed is equal to its time its frequency?

The speed or velocity of a wave is equal to the wavelength times the frequency. The period (amount of time for one wavelength to occur) is equal to 1 over the frequency (the inverse of its frequency).