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What shes trying 2 say is she loves u but she doesnt want 2 be in a relationship because she thinks shes gonna miss out on having fun and going out with her friends

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Q: What does a girl mean when she says she loves you more than anything but doesn't want a relationship because she doesn't want to 'miss out on anything'?
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he probably doesnt have the money to do it person, but if he was serious he loves you

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Because a boy says he loves you doesnt always mean he loves you. That doesnt mean that he doesnt THINK he loves you and it could just be puppy love but if even tells his ex girlfiend that he does love you, then I wouldn't worry about anything. He's totally into you!

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break up with him if he doesnt trust you that he will never do and it will be a bad relationship

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If you are apart and he behaves "like he doesnt love you anymore" then it is over and the relationship isn't "salvagable"

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because he doesnt want to make it seem like he still loves you... even though he does, ive done that before

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Tell them you are not ready for a relationship without commitment.

How do you know if someone loves you when you see them holding hands with a girl just once?

IF he is not doesnt act like he normally do when he around you than he is confued on wearther or not he loves because you and him could of had a tough relationship and he might be seeing whats out there to see.But there is always a way you can tell someone loves you

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just ask him if you are unsure about your relationship

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you are in a booty call relationship and he doesnt really love you, he is just saying that to get into your pants. ditch him fast.

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Just ask him or have a friend ask him is he loves you! and i dont know about the childern part because im only 13 but does he like your children? but u dont have to take my advice because im just telling u what i would do but im bored right now so if he really loves you he would do anything for you so test that on him if he doesnt do anything for you he might not love you as much.

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alot because God loves catwhomen who doesnt