

What does a hyena look like and sound like?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What does a hyena look like and sound like?
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What does a hyena's laugh sound like?

they giggle you idiot how dumb are you

How do you spell hieena?

The dog-like but feline animal is a hyena (family Hyaenidae), and some of its wide range of vocalizations sound like laughing.

Can hyena make sound like human?

Usually because its very squeaky

Can you show how a hyena looks like?

Look Hyena up in Google images. There are Spotted Hyenas and Striped Hyenas.

What does a laugh like a hyena sound like?

no they laugh like hyenas they don't laugh like donkeys that's just silly to ask somthing like that.

What do hyenas fur look like?

well a hyenas fur looks sometimes striped (striped hyena)and some sometimes spotted (spotted hyena) on which exactly are types of hyena.

What does a striped Hyena look like?

The striped hyena is very different from the spotted hyena. for 1: they have stripes and spotted hyenas have spots. another thing is that they live longer than a spotted hyena. i hope you enjoy this tootles

On account of an eerie sound it makes what is another common name for the spotted hyena?

Laughing Hyena

What is the sound a hyena make?

laughing sounds

What sound does hyena make?

almost squeaking or chirping, could sound like a bird

Which hyena is known as the laughing hyena?

A hyena is an animal that looks rather like a dog and makes a sound which is similar to a human laugh. spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, of Africa S of the Sahara, is the largest and boldest species. It is also known as the laughing hyena because of its cry resembles maniacal human laughter.hyena" class='external' title=" expression laugh like a hyena, which has become proverbial, refers to the animal's characteristic cry. call of the hyena sounds like very loud laughter, and the hyena is sometimes referred to as a laughing hyena. A person who is laughing in a loud or foolish way is sometimes described as laughing like a hyena. To laugh hysterically"A woman in tonight's audience had a laugh like a hyena and she laughed all the time."

What names can you call an hyena?

Even though the hyena is not closely related to the dog, the hyena is still doglike. The hyena is doglike because his or her facial features look like a dog's face. The hyena is more closely related to the cat than the dog. The hyena is a close relative to the mongoose family. Thus, the hyena can be defined as a doglike animal that is closely related to the civet cats yet distantly related to the domestic cats.