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Q: What does a lamotragine rash look like?
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It may look like hives. A red rash with tiny bumps that may or may not be itchy.

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they look like a second layer of skin underneath the first on and they hurt if u touch them

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What does the rash look like when you have scarlet fever?

The rash is fine, red and rough in texture. It blanches on pressure. Check the link below, Scarlet Fever is #18.

What does a rash caused by Lyme disease look like?

A rash caused by a Lyme disease a looks like dry skin. It is not painful but doesn't look right. One should see a doctor to get treated and to find ways to prevent it in the future.

Are there times when the shingles rash looks more like bug bites than blisters?

Yes, shingles rash can look like bug bites as well as blisters. There is no one way that shingles looks.

What does the rash look like when you transfer cold sores from your face to your neck?

You're not likely to pass cold sores from your face to your neck. Cold sores like to transfer from a wet place like the mouth to another wet place like the genitals or eyes. The rash on your neck could be a sweat rash or a bacterial infection.