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Hydrogen fusion continues in a shell surrounding the core. Eventually the core is compressed enough to start helium fusion.

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Q: What does a main sequence star do when it has exhausted its burnable hydrogen?
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What makes a fusion stop in the main sequence stage?

A star falls of the main sequence when it has exhausted it's supply of hydrogen.

Why do stars evolve off of the main sequence?

Because they have exhausted their supply of hydrogen in the core. They might reenter the main sequence later, but that will be using hydrogen in the shell (the branch phase) rather than the core.

A star evolves off the main sequence when?

It has exhausted it's supply of hydrogen, and depending on the mass of the star, has, started "burning" other element's.

What types of stars are in the main sequence?

The thing the "main sequence" stars have in common is that they get their energy from the fusion of hydrogen (hydrogen-1 is converted into helium-4).

How does a main sequence star power itself?

A main sequence star gets its energy by fusing hydrogen-1 into helium-4.

When does the main sequence star phase of a star end?

The "main sequence" is the region (on the HR diagram) for stars which burn hydrogen-1. Once stars use up most of their hydrogen-1 (and have significant amounts of helium-4), they leave the main sequence.

Stars leave the main sequence when they?

Stars are said to be off the main sequence when they stop fusing hydrogen into helium.

What was the sun when it reached the main sequence?

Stars on the main sequence (like the sun) are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores.

What is the main characteristic of a sequence star?

The defining characteristic of a main sequence star burns hydrogen to helium in its core.

What stars have left the main sequence?

The main sequence stars are stars that fuse hydrogen, so the stars that have left the main sequence are the ones that have basically run out of hydrogen. They are the Red Giant stars, Supergiant stars and White Dwarf stars.

What stars burn up hydrogen?

All main sequence stars fuse hydrogen.

How can you tell if stars in a visual binary are on the main sequence?

If they are converting hydrogen to helium, then they are on the main sequence. This can be confirmed with a spectral analysis