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I think if you just go on Google images and type in male slug and then female slug it would show you

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Q: What does a male and female slug look like?
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How. Can. You. Tell. If. A. Slug. Is. A. Femal. Or. A. Male?

You can usually tell the gender by looking at it's bottom, a male has a feathrey bottom, for a BANANA slug though. Basiclly, a slug is both male and female, so you don't have to worry! Here:

How do you tell if a slug is a Male or Female?

Slugs are hermaphrodites, they have both female and male reproductive organs. why?

What are fuve animals that reproduce sexually?

one of them is slug because it is female and male at the same time.

What do snap bugs look like?

Snap bugs look like a cross between a beetle and a slug. They look hard like a beetle but are shaped like a slug with antennas.

Found a slug that look like a leopard?

There is actually a slug called the leopard slug. See related link..

What does a helpful slug look like?

he has a smile and a "can do" attitude, you'll know a helpful slug when you see him. :)

What are female lions called?

a female lion is called a lioness and a male tiger is called a tiger

In spirited away was Lin human?

I'm almost sure Lin, like all the other female workers in the bath house, was the spirit of a slug. Likewise, all the male workers are the spirits of frogs.

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What is a slug with a shell called?

Male snail

What is a hink pink for a boy slug with shell?

male snail

Are slugs able to reproduce singularly without mating with another?

actually slugs contain male and female parts so they can be either and from my research in my room I had a slug egg only one that was the only slug I had and when it matured I fond fertilized eggs so the can take there sperm for them selves.