

Best Answer

really, urinate

Above is the obvious answer. However the humorous answer has always been "Shake hands."Others in this "Get your mind out of the gutter" series are:
1. What does a woman do sitting down, that a dog does on three legs, and a man does standing up? (Shake hands / paw)
2. What is a four letter word, ending with "k," that means intercourse? (Talk)
3. What is so long, and so hard, and sticks so far out of a man's pajamas in the morning, that he could hang a hat upon it ? (His head)
4. What does a cow have four of, that a woman only has two of ? (Legs)
5. What is long, hard, and tubular and filled with "sea-men ?" (Submarine)
6. What is heard almost every day that rhymes with "duck" and begins with "F ?" (Firetruck)
7. What does a dog do that a man steps into ? (Pants)

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Q: What does a man do on two legs a women does sitting down and a dog do on three legs?
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Related questions

What does a man do standing up a dog do on three legs and a woman do sitting down?

According to Bennie Hill, shake hands.

Why is it easier to swing your legs back and forth when they are bent?

Because you are generally sitting down with your feet off the floor or ground when you are swinging your legs, and your legs just naturally bend at the knees when you are sitting down. It is impossible to swing your legs back and forth standing on your feet.

Where is it tacky to cross legs when sitting dowm?

It is tacky to cross your legs when sitting down at a wedding. It is also tacky at a funeral because of the body language it shows.

What does a man do standing a lady does sitting and a dog does on three legs?

Shake hands.

Why do some people's legs shake when sitting down?

either the person is bored or excited about something

How are varicose veins treated by sitting down?

Other measures are sitting down, using a footstool when sitting, avoiding standing for long periods of time, and raising the legs whenever possible. These measures work by reducing the blood pressure in leg veins.

Sculpture are there any nude sculptures of women with three arms and three legs?

No famous ones, anyway.

what comes up with two legs and comes down with three?

What has eight legs but has more eyes

Why do people jig their legs?

some people can't help it. I also find myself doing that when I'm sitting down.

Is the splits supposed to be all the way down?

No! According to me the splits are not suppose to be all the way down. Flexing your leg does not mean sitting with your legs spread apart

What climb a tree with two and climb down with three legs?


What is black upon black black upon brown three legs up and six legs down?

a spider