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it means your an ugly elf

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Q: What does a peace sign over your eye mean?
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What does making a peace sign by your eye mean?


Are dark under eye circles a sign of pregnancy?

No. Dark circles under ones eyes mean you haven't been sleeping or are over sleeping and are drained.

What does the eye of ra mean?

A sign ov courage.

What does eye brow mean?

The eye brow is simply the small hairy part over your eye.

Are crossed arms a sign of respect in India?

Well depending on the posture of the person it could mean respect or disrespect. Crossed arms over the chest with the person looking at the ground or below your eye level is a sign of respect, but if the person is looking straight at you with his arms over a puffed out chest then its not respectful.

What does a dollar sign tattoo under a persons eye mean?


What does it mean when you look over at your crush and she already has one eye closed?

she got sumin in her eye

Is intense eye contact a good sign and crossed arms a bad sign?

Eye contact is a good sign. However, crossed arms usually are a bad sign of body language. Often it means that the person is closed off to you and perhaps hiding something.If you mean 'intense' as in 'glaring', that is definitely a bad sign.

A scientist reports the pressure of the eye of a hurricane has decreased What does this mean?

It means the force with which the air pressed down in the eye is decreasing. This is a sign that the storm is intensifying.

What does it mean when the eye of a hurricane is shrinking?

It could be undergoing an eyewall replacement cycle. This is generally a sign that it is strengthening.

What does the eye of the storm give?

In the center of the eye of the storm gives peace

What is the third Glyphmaster code on trackersinterface?

It took me forever but here it is... Triangle(a), Record player(hard), Box with a dot(one), Triangle, Peace sign(peace), Squiggle with dot(than), Triangle, Power sign(be), Box with arrow pointing down(in), Ice cream cone(plain), Eye(see). Hope it helped