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Q: What stores food water and waste in plant and animal cells?
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What does the vacuole do in the plant and animal cell?

The vacuole stores food and waste in both plant and animal cells.

What does the vacuole do in the animal and plant cell?

The vacuole stores food and waste in both plant and animal cells.

What does the the vacuole do in plant and animal cells?

It stores water, food, waste, etc.

What does the vacuole do in the animal cells and plant cell?

It stores water, food, waste, etc.

Is a vacuoles animal or plant cell?

A vacuole is found in both animal and plant cells

What function does the vacuole in a animal cell?

it's a membrane bound sac that plays roles in intracellular digestion. it also releases cell waste. in animal cells it's pretty small, but in plant cells its big because the excess water collects in the vacuoles which provides pressure resulting in rigidityIt stores sunstances such as food water and wastesIt stores food and water for the cell.The is only a vacuole inside a plant cell!stores food, water, and waste

What stores water and waste in animal cells?


What does the vacuole do to the animal cell?

The vacuole stores waste and water in animal and plant cells both. However, a plant cell has one big vacuole, while an animal cell has a couple of smaller vacuoles.

Structures found in plant cells but not animal cells?

Plant cells have cell walls as well as cell membranes; animal cells only have cell membranes. Also, plant cells would have chloroplasts (the organelles that turn sunlight into sugars). Animal cells usually have many smaller vacuoles (stores waste, water, and nutrients), while plant cells usually have one big vacuole.

What is large and used for storage in a plant cell?

The Vacuole is an area in the plant that stores waste, water, and nutrients Vacuoles, which are membrane-bound organelles, act as storage space in plant cells. They're also found in animal cells, but they are considerably smaller in animal cells than in plant cells.

Would you find a large permanent vacuole in a plant or animal cell?

Vacuoles can be found in plant and animal cells. Plant cells have water vacuoles to maintain the water balance inside the cell. An example of a vacuole in animal cells would be found in adipose tissue. These cells have large vacuoles for storing fat molecules.

What do vacuoles do for an animal cel?

i am pretty sure the vacuole stores food, water, and waste for animal cells