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Q: What does a pseudopod do to help protists?
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What is the movement of protist?

most of protists moved with cillia, flagella, or pseudopod.

What makes Sarcodines different from other Protists?

They have extensions of the cell membrane and cytoplasm called pseudopod.

What unique cell parts are in a protist?

Well, the unique cell parts in a protists are the flagella and the pseudopod. Only protists have flagellas and pseudopods. They are both used to move.

Which protists has a pseudopod?


Do protists move?

yes they actually can. they have structures which allow them to move across. The cilia (tiny hair like structures), flagella (whip like structures), or pseudopod whoch acts like a foot.

How do difflugia move?

It is a heterotroph and it engulfs its food

What structures do protists such as amoeba use for movement?

Amoebas move by changing the shape of their body, forming pseudopods (temporary foot-like structures). The word pseudopod means "false foot."

What phylum are sarcodines in?

Becuase sarcodines use pseudopods to move, ( pseudopod is false foot) this tell us that it is in the phylum rhizopoda. Don't worry. This answer is gaurenteed right because i am doing this project with microscopes and protists.

How are animal-like protists categorized?

Protists that have animal-like characteristics are categorized as protozoans. The protozoan group is further subdivided by the way in which the protozoans move. The categories include sacordinians which move using pseudopod, zooflagellates which move using flagella, ciliaphorans which move using cilia, and sporozoans which form spores.

What are protozoans that use pseudopod to help them move called?

Amoeba. This type of motion is known as "amoeboid motion".

Do the protists help or harm the animal?

they help the animal... they are not harmful

How does mobile protists move?

Mobile Protists achieve locomotion in a number of different ways based on the classification that particular Protist falls under. Protists in the phylum Sarcodina use their blob like pseudopodia (false feet) to achieve movement. The pseudopod of a protist functions differently from that of a snail, for example. A protist's pseudopod acts like an arm which extend from the body, latches onto a surface, then drags the rest of the organism along.In addition to pseudopodia, protists of the Phylum Ciliata (which are unique among protists in that they do not act as parasites), achieve locomotion through the use of Cilia: small, hairlike fibers that the protist waves about to propel itself through a fluid.Finally, there are the Zoomastigina, also known as 'flagellates,' which achieve their movement through the use of a flagellum: a long, tail-like appendage that flails back and forth to propel the protist forward.