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Q: What does a rainbow peace sign mean?
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What does the rainbow mean in the rainbow portrait?

The rainbow represents peace.

What is peace sign?

There are different symbols that are used a peace sign. Some common symbols include an olive branch, rainbow flag, a dove and so many more.

What does a peace sign on fire mean?

Burn in peace

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its the peace sign....v = peace.

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it means peace

Why does the rainbow appear in the bible after the floods?

It was a sign of peace and a promise to us that God would never flood the earth again.

What does a peace sign with your hand s and with one thumb up mean?

A peace sign with one thumb up typically means "peace and victory" or "peace and unity." It can be interpreted as a symbol of positivity, harmony, and success.

What does the peace sign mean to christians?

I'm a Christian, and to me the peace sign means just that; peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9

What does the sideways peace sign mean?

The sideways peace sign is a variation of the traditional peace sign and is used as a symbol of peace and unity. It represents a wish for peace and harmony in a more modern or casual way.

What does a peace sign over your eye mean?

it means your an ugly elf

What does the rainbow jelly braclet mean?

it means peace and shows that you mean no harm to the people around you. I think that is the most awesome color I just wish I could find one. Do you Know where to get a rainbow jelly braclet at?

What is the color peace?

the colour is rainbow.