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It could be nothing, but you should take your hamster to see a veterinarian just in case.

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Q: What does a red bump on the cheek of a hamster mean?
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Your hamster has a red bump on his front foot what could this be?

My hamster has had a red bump on his foot before. There is a bump because a) another hamster bit it or b) he got his foot poked somewhere. This isn't a sickness, so you don't have to worry. It will heal by itself.

What is the red bump on your hamsters head?

The bump could be a cancerous tumor. If the bumps get larger, develop black scabs, and your hamster starts to poop blood this theory may be more or less correct. I am truly sorry about your hamster.

What does it mean when a girl hamster has a red bump on her belly?

Hi there im Bonnie i have a white syrian hamster myself and hes a boy but my sister on the oter had has a girl it may just be that shes getting nipples or anything to a canser bump my male hamster developed a red bump that turned a darker colour i loked it up and found out it was just a mole from beginging to grow old. Hope this helps. x

If your hamster has red eyes does it mean she is blind?

I have a hamster with red eyes as well I have not seen your hamster and i don't know how it reacts but it if it reacts as if it were blind then it may be.

What does it mean when you have a bump over your gum that is painless but is red in color?


What does a red bump in between your eye and eyebrow mean?

pimple or wart

What does it mean if you have a one Red itchy bump on your arm?

probably a heat rash

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

Your hamster is white with red eyes what type of hamster is he?

an albino hamster

Do red eyed hamster cost more?

No there is not much difference i have a a red eyed hamster

What does it mean when a hamster has a red swollen stomach?

It could have a tumour.... i would contact your vet immediately.

Who sings lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek?

Chris de Burgh