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A yellow-eye mullet eats small animals, such as, sandworms, small cockles, and algae.

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Q: What does a schooling yellow eyed mullet eat?
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What eats yellow eyed mullets?

Yellow-eyed mullet eat the coolest food@

What does the yellow-eyed mullet eat?

The Mullet fish eats the smaller fish. If you are trying to catch him, just catch a normal fish before he comes, but don't real it up. Keep it there and then put it towards his mouth. He with open his mouth, bite on, and then you will watch your penguin reel him up. YOU GET A LOT OF COINS FOR CATCHING HIM! Good luck!

What does the hector dolphin eat?

The hectors dolphin eats, mullet, fish, crabs and other small sea creaturesHector dolphins eat squid, red cod, sprat, and yellow-eyed mullet. They use their echo location to find all types of fish to eat.

What do Galapagos penguin eat?

they eat schooling fish, mainly mullet sardines and sometimes crustaceans

What do Galapagos penguin do?

they eat schooling fish, mainly mullet sardines and sometimes crustaceans

What eats galapagos penguins?

they eat schooling fish, mainly mullet sardines and sometimes crustaceans

What do yellow eyed pinguins eat?

The Yellow Eyed Penguin is found in New Zealand. This species of penguin is rare and likes to eat Arrow Squid and Red Cod.

What do yellow eyed juncos eat?

Seeds, berries and insects.

What else do they have about yellow eyed penguins eat?

Rephrase more clearly?

Were do you put the last flashing red thingy on club penguin?

You catch a yellow fish and leave it there so the mullet will eat it.

How do you get the red mullet in club penguin?

To get the red mullet, first, you need to catch 60 or more fish. After you do that, three more yellow fish will appear. Catch two of the fish and when the third one appears, get it on your fishing line, but don't bring it up, keep it on the line. Then, when you see the mullet from the side of the screen, put the yellow fish in front of its face, and it will eat it.

Where is the crab in aqua grabber on club penguin?

you collect the barrels in soda seas,then ram the roof of the left cave,and a worm will fall,get the worm and get the yellow fish to eat the worm.then make the mullet eat the fish (the fish will try to make you bump into a wall and drop him) then let the mullet go then go through where the mullet was and go down then you will see the the crab.