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You can tell a somali person right when you see them. There face structure is mostly triangular if that helps & there forhead is mis-shaped

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It looks like a small fox.

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Q: What does a somalis look like?
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What type of ethnic groups are in Somalia?

85% Ethnic Somalis, 15% Non Ethnic Somalis( Bravanese Somalis, Bantus, Bajunis)

Where do Somalis live?

In Somalia.

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How did Somalia become corrupt?

Simply because of peer pressure or everyday surroundings. Somalis are similar to every other clan but differ in religion, culture, and ethnicity. Somalis make mistake just like every individual and that is just life.

Do Somalis wear underwear?

Yes they do

Were do somalis live?

Somalia... and everywhere else. :)

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What is somali original?

Somalis are from Somalia. Somalis are an ethnic group located in theHorn of Africa. The overwhelming majority of Somalis speak the Somali Language, which is part of the Cushitic subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic language family. But if you are asking what we really are? Some people are saying that Somalis are mixed do not even know our history. People debated about weather we are mixed with Arabic or other nationality. But were not. we are 100% NOT ARAB we are African blacks and very proud to be so.

Do somalis have unique smell?

they have a beautiful smell because of the perfume they wear

Why do Somalis abstain from pork and gambling?

Islam prohibits both practices.

Why Somalis are tall slim and Egyptians are fat and big?

Being fat has mainly to do with ones diet. It's simple based on the balance of your food intake and energy expenditure. Body-type and bone structure, however, is genetically inherited. Most Arabs have bigger bones and bigger frames compared to Somalis. So it's both the environment (in this case food intake) and genetics combined that affects their overall "look". I have seen some overweight somalis and super slim petite egyptians too so it can go the other way around. Let's not generalize.