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Q: What does a zygospore allow mold to do?
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Is bread mold a saprophyte?

Black bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer, is not a sac fungi but a zygospore fungi or zygomycota. Red bread molds (neurospora) are in fact sac fungi/ascomycota. They are a form of sexual sac fungi (along with truffles). (from the Mader Biology textbook 10th edition. copyright 2010. Mc-Graw Hill companies)

Dark fuzz that grows very rapidly on bread is an example of?

zygospore fungi from the phylum zygomycota with 600 species AKA black bread mold

How is zygospore of chlamydomonas formed?

when chlomydomonas reproduces sexually it forms the zygospore.

What is the resting spore during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle called?

Well referring to my Biology text book, " A Zygospore ( ZY-goh-spawr ) is a resting spore that contains zygotes formed during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle."

What is a zygosporangium?

when chlomydomonas reproduces sexually it forms the zygospore.

What is resting spore formed during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle is called?

Well referring to my Biology text book, " A Zygospore ( ZY-goh-spawr ) is a resting spore that contains zygotes formed during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle."

How does mold live?

Mold will live as long as it's resources allow it to. Mold will thrive in dark, warm, and moist environments.

A diploid zygote with a thick protective wall?


Where does Karyogamy occur in fungus mucor?

It occurs in the forming zygospore.

A zygospore is a thick-walled structure characteristic of what phylum?


How long do water molds live?

Mold will live as long as it's resources allow it to. Mold will thrive in dark, warm, and moist environments.

What is produced when rhizopus reproduces sexually?

zygospore & zygosporangium