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Q: What does abvious mean?
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If you like a guy and your not sure if he likes you back how do you get to know him without being abvious about it?

try to sneek up behind him and then hump him

Why did khufu become pharaoh?

khufu became a pharoah because he was the son of snerfu and he was the previos pharoahs so it is abvious that his son would be the next pharoahs

What is one similar thing between World War 1 and World War 2?

well for one we were fighting germany. thats pretty abvious though.

Why is avatar such a popular film?

Same reason as New Moon was. It's new. It's also in 3D, which helps. I saw it, and it's amazing. It's pretty abvious why.

What is 10.089 rounded to the nearest second?

The answer depends on the units used for 10.089. It should be abvious to anybody that there will be different answers for 10.089 minutes and for 10.089 milliseconds.

What is the effective range of 315 rifle?

Your will need to give us more info to get a meaningful answer. Make and caliber would help. The term 315 alone does not really have an abvious firearms meaning. Sorry.

Airbus A380 and airbus 300 distinguish?

Quite abvious: the A380 is much bigger, weights almost three times the A300. Also, the A380 has four engines ins tead of two and has two decks instead of just on one for the A300.

Why can't I make any friends?

One of the most abvious questions in life. There must be a reason!=1. Try to blend in with a group, that has the same things in common with you.==2. If you lend a hand to someone who may need it, you have won a friend for life.==3. I love this one! crank a joke and you have just open Pandora's box.=

What elements compose Amalgam?

it is either a compound or a mixture, as it is not an element within the periodic table.

Chemical test that will distinguish between benzoic acid and phenyl the test must have an abvious physical change?

One way to distinguish between benzoic acid and phenyl is by performing a sodium bicarbonate test. When sodium bicarbonate is added to benzoic acid, it will effervesce and produce bubbles due to the release of carbon dioxide gas. However, no such effervescence occurs when sodium bicarbonate is added to phenyl. This difference in bubbling can be observed as an obvious physical change to distinguish between the two compounds.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean