

What does air do when it rises?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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When a mass of air rises it cools as a gas due to a decrease in overall pressure with altitude. This results in adiabatic cooling, resulting in a decrease in the measurable temperature of the air.

As the air cools, its capacity to suspend water vapour decreases, and it may approach one hundred percent relative humidity, also known as dew point. At dew point water vapour will condense into clouds, which may result in precipitation.

Air is typically lifted either through pressure cells, or through orographic lifting whereby air is forced upward in altitude as it travels over terrain such as mountains.

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13y ago

When a mass of air rises it expands as a gas due to a decrease in overall pressure with altitude. This results in adiabatic cooling, resulting in a decrease in the measurable temperature of the air.

As the air cools, its capacity to suspend water vapour decreases, and it may approach one hundred percent relative humidity, also known as dew point. At dew point water vapour will condense into clouds, which may result in precipitation.

Air is typically lifted either through pressure cells, or through orographic lifting whereby air is forced upward in altitude as it travels over terrain such as mountains.

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