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Amino acid tables are used to translate mRNA codons into amino acid sequences. They also tell whem mRNA codons produce stops.

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Q: What does an amino acid table show?
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Where does the amino acid table use the code from?

I'm unsure what your question means, but if I interpreted correctly, the codes on the amino acid table are codons. So they are the codes that would be found on the mRNA. If you are looking up an amino acid on the table, just use the one it says under the codon you want to translate. For example, if the codon is AUG, the amino acid is just methionine. No need to do anything more.

What amino acid would be made form the mRNA code for a a a?

AGT codes for the amino acid serine and CTT codes for the amino acid leucine.

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determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences? determine amino acid sequences?

Are there any amino acids in the periodic table?

An amino acid is a molcule, a collection of atoms including hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen amonst others. The periodic table is a table of the elements so the element sthat make up amino acids a present in it but not the molecules.

What amino acid is technically not an amino acid?

proline is not an amino acid it is an imino acid

What is the minimum number of different amino acid needed to synthesized most proteins?

Calculations show that there is a minimum of three bases required to encode 20 amino acids. Experiments show that amino acid is encoded by groups of three bases.

Interpret the genetic code to determine the amino acid coded for by the condon ccu?

The link below includes a table of codons and their respective amino acids. You can use this to determine the amino acid coded by any three nucleic acid bases. Read down, then across, then find the one you want from that block of four. In the case of CCU, the amino acid is proline.

Is NaCl an amino acid?

No, NaCl stands for sodium chloride, which is more commonly known as table salt.

Each codon calls for a specific?

amino acid

How does the process of translation convert information?

From a nucleic acid code to an amino acid code

What is a beta-amino acid?

A beta-amino acid is an amino acid which has the amino and carboxylic functional groups attached to adjacent carbon atoms.

Is phosphoric acid an amino acid?

Nope. To my knowledge there are only two acidic amino acids: Aspartic acid and glutamic acid.