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It means that there is a high possibility of offspring inheriting the specific trait. For example, a 'normal patterned' snake that is 'hetero for albino' - would likely produce a mixed clutch of babies. The clutch could have all 'normal', all albino or a varying mixture of colour patterns.

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Q: What does being heterodox for some genetic trait mean?
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What does trait mean?

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What does being heterozygous for a trait mean?

the 2 alleles of the gene for the trait are different on the 2 homologous chromosomesBeing heterozygous for a trait means that they have different alleles for a trait. For instance: Tt would be heterozygous and TT or tt would be homozygous because they are both eitehr little or big t' mean the gene is not pure or for example suppose a person is blood group A but actually he is having A and O; because O is recessive trait the gene express the A trait instead, making the person having blood group A.

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What is arecessive trait?

i mean to say what is a recessive trait not what is recessive trait sorry

What does the initials PTC mean in biology?

Probably an acronym for Phenyl Thio Carbamide. It's a chemical used in a genetic taste test. Some humans can taste it, some cannot. The ability to taste it is a genetically passed on trait. It has been used in countless genetic experiments.