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Q: What does blue represent in an image of vishnu?
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What does Vishnu represent?

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What does the Hindu god Vishnu represent?

Vishnu is the preserver and sustainer of life on Earth

Why is Vishnu the Hindu god of preserving blue?

Hindu god vishnu is believed to be staying in the deepest parts of the ocean. Since ocean is blue Lord vishnu is associated with preserving blue.

What was lord vishnu's favorite color?

Blue is the favorite color of vishnu

What does the blue skin on a god represent?

In the Hindu religion, blue skin is thought to mean that the deity represented in such a way is a brave and strong leader. There are other thoughts that Vishnu's association with water is why the skin is blue. Lastly, another theory is that the Creator made the sky, and the oceans, rivers, and lakes blue meant this color had special significance.

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The image of Saint Barbara used to represent Santeria as sexuality, fire, thunder and lighting.

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Does Lord Vishnu has hypothermia?

This is a joke (and not in good taste). Vishnu is a major Hindu deity, and in Hindu art he is depicted as having blue skin. This is a divine attribute, not an indication that he has turned blue from the cold (i.e., from hypothermia).Wherever there is the union of purity and depth it produces blue colour. The water of the seas and the sky both are blue. Hence the colour blue is also called Aasmani or sky colour. Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Lord Ram are all blue coloured. Meghavarnam Shubhaangam or Kekee Kanthaabhneelam.Since God combines both purity and depth or boundlessness hence God too is blue.

How does Vishnu look like?

Blue, look on wikipedia or woodlandsjunior ( I know it is for kids but it is really handy!)

Why might blue represent infinity?

it represent the color of the moon

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