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Chemical reactions as their name suggests are reactions between two or more chemicals or more accurately, substances. Since their are literally millions of known chemicals then there are roughly 2 to the millionth power combinations that could be introduced to each other either in a water solution or some other solution in order to react with each other.

Many combinations will not react with each other very much like dissolving table salt (NaCl, that is one atom of Sodium and one atom of Chlorine in each molecule) and sugar in water. But some combinations of chemicals react with amazing effects.

Pouring barium hydroxide and ammonium thiocyanate into a flask will liberate gaseous ammonia (NH3, one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms) and is so endothermic (energy absorbing) that it will freeze water.

Mixing dilute hydrochloric acid and cleaning lye (Sodium hydroxide, that is: NaOH) will result in:

HCl + NaOH => H2O(water) and NaCl (table salt)

A rather amazing result from a solution of acid that eats many metals ferociously and can burn your skin, and lye which can also burn your skin, but mix them (in exactly correct proportions) and you end up with simple harmless salty water.

In conclusion, without knowing what chemicals are involved in the reaction, there is no way to know if there will even be a reaction, and if so, what the resulting substances will be.

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It creates a new substance/solution. For example:

Na + Cl --> NaCl

When Sodium and Chlorine bond chemically, they create a new substance Sodium-Chloride (common table salt) is formed.

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