

What does compulsive mean?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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14y ago

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You do an act that you can't resist doing, even if you don't really want to. Sometimes done without thinking about the negative ramifications.

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1mo ago

Compulsive refers to an action or behavior that is difficult to control or stop, often driven by uncontrollable urges or impulses. It can also describe a repetitive behavior that a person feels compelled to do, even if they are aware of its negative consequences.

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12y ago

compulsion is where you make others do your biding without having to worry about the consequences; or of that person defying you.

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How can you help a compulsive liar?

You can't. I've tried.

How can you tell if you are a compulsive liar?

Compulsive liars often lie without reason, feel a need to lie frequently, and have difficulty distinguishing truth from falsehood. They may also experience feelings of guilt or shame after lying but continue to engage in deceptive behavior. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can provide insights and support in addressing compulsive lying tendencies.

What do you call a person who is obsessive-compulsive about money?

A person who is obsessive-compulsive about money may be referred to as a "money hoarder" or "money worrier."

What is the medical name for a compulsive liar?

Psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and other mental health personnel use the term 'compulsive lying' when they refer to people who cannot control their lying, that is, people who feel compelled to lie and are aware that they are lying. Therefore, compulsive lying implies impaired ability to control it. The term 'compulsive lying' is not a diagnosis. It is a behavior or a symptom associated with a number of mental disorders [for example, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]. The term "confabulation" is used to describe lying or invention when the person who is lying is not aware that they are lying. To be more specific, confabulation is treating a fantasy as a fact, without awareness that fantasy has replaced fact."

Are compulsive liars also sociopaths?

Not necessarily. Compulsive lying can be a behavior associated with various mental health conditions or personality traits, including but not limited to sociopathy. Sociopathy, also known as antisocial personality disorder, involves a pattern of manipulative and deceitful behavior, among other characteristics. Compulsive lying on its own does not indicate sociopathy.

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What does ' conpulsive ' mean?

Compulsive means, something that feels irresistible to do.

What does ocb stand for?

if you mean 'OCD' its obsessive compulsive disorder.

Is addiction compulsive voluntary or repulsive?

its compulsive

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it means you are anti-socail & don't have any friends

How do you get Obsessive compulsive disorder ?

You can be born with a genetic predisposition to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). This does not necessarily mean you will have OCD but it may mean your or more likely to have it. You can become conditioned to OCD as a result of life experiences or a traumatic situation.

What does codes 300.30 and 300.40 mean?

300.3 Obsessive compulsive disorders 300.4 dysthymic disorder

What does the medical abbreviation OCD mean?

OCD is a short way of saying obsessive compulsive disorder.

What does O D D mean?

"C.O.D." means "cash on delivery". Or Compulsive Obsessive Disorder

When was Compulsive Lyres created?

Compulsive Lyres was created in 1997.

Do the words voracious and compulsive mean the same thing?

No. Voracious: wanting to devour great quantities of food OR you readily want to do an activity. Compulsive: irresistible urge that may go against one's conscious wishes.

What disorder is characterized by recurring unwanted thoughts followed by certain repetitive behaviors?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

When was Compulsive Disclosure created?

Compulsive Disclosure was created in 1999-10.