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Q: What does coral become when it is buried by sediment?
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Does coal represent sediment?

No coral is NOT sediment. Coral SAND is a sediment but the coral itself is a living organism - if buried and lithified, the coral becomes a fossil.

What can organism is most likely to become fossilized?

A bony fish that is buried rapidly in ocean sediment

How does a igneous rock become a sedimentary rock?

The igneous rock gets weathered into sediment by wind, water, and ices. The sediment is deposited in a basin and buried. The pressure of burial and the heat inside Earth turns that sediment into stone.

Which is the first step in the process during the formation of molded fossils?

Organisms are buried under sediment.

What will happen to a coral reef over time if it gets buried?

To be exact the coral reef will just get buried and die.

Is a fossil formed when an organism buried in sediment dissolves called?

When a hard part of an organism buried in sediment dissolves an leaves an empty space it is called a mold.

Is a dinosaur footprint a fossil?

a footprint.

What makes a fossil form?

It gets buried in sediment

How can a sedimentary rock become a breccias?

Firstly, a breccia is itself a kind of sedimentary rock. It consists mainly of large (pea sized and up), angular sediment grains. For an existing sedimentary rock to become a breccia, it must be weathered into fragments, redeposited elsewhere, and buried to sufficient pressure for the sediment to become rock.

What are the signs that coral is dying?

white in color overgrown by seaweed discoloration and sediment

Can a snail become a fossil?

Yes, snails can become fossils. When a snail dies, its shell may become buried in sediment and over time, minerals in the sediment can replace the original material of the shell, preserving it as a fossil. Fossilized snail shells can be found in many different types of rock formations.

Coral buried by sediments over time turn into what?
