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Q: What does crooks say never comes true ranch hands mice and men?
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What is the difference the way crooks live and the other ranch hands?

Crooks lives in isolation, due to his race, in a segregated bunkhouse away from the other ranch hands. He faces discrimination and racism that the other ranch hands do not experience. This causes him to be more guarded and lonely compared to the camaraderie and social interactions among the other workers.

What did crooks family own?

Crooks' family owned a chicken ranch.

Why does crooks work on the ranch?

Crooks works on the ranch because he is a skilled stable hand who takes care of the horses. Additionally, as an African American man during the time of segregation, he faced limited job opportunities and discrimination which led him to work on the ranch.

Why does crooks been able to accumulate more personal items than the other ranch hands?

Crooks has more personal items because he is isolated due to being the only black man on the ranch, and his living quarters are separate from the others. This allows him to keep his belongings safe and accumulate more over time compared to the other ranch hands who share living spaces.

What does the boss use Crooks for?

In the book "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is the stable buck who has a crooked back. The boss takes his anger out on Crooks and abuses him whenever he is mad.he uses him as a venting machine

In 'Of Mice and Men' how does Crooks respond to the other men on the ranch?


Where does crooks rate in terms of power on the ranch?

Crooks holds very little power on the ranch due to his race (he is the only African American character) and his physical disability. He is marginalized and isolated from the other ranch workers, living alone in a separate room away from the bunkhouse.

Why does crooks say he was just foolin about working on the ranch?

Crooks says he was just foolin' about working on the ranch as a defense mechanism to protect himself from getting hurt or disappointed. By pretending that he doesn't want to be a part of the group, Crooks maintains a sense of control and distance to shield himself from potential rejection or mistreatment. This is his way of coping with the racism and isolation he faces on the ranch.

Why does Crooks say he was just fooling about working at the ranch?

Crooks says he was just fooling about working at the ranch to protect himself emotionally. As a Black man in a racially discriminatory society, Crooks feels the need to keep his guard up to avoid getting hurt. By pretending that he doesn't want to work at the ranch, he can maintain a sense of control and protect his vulnerable emotions.

Who looks after cattle on a ranch?

Depending on the amount of hired hands on the ranch, it is mostly the hired hands' job to look after the cattle, but the rancher himself is also responsible for most of the responsibilities that comes with the ranch including the cattle and the rangeland the cattle are being raised on. Some ranches are only run by the rancher and his wife, so the responsibilities of looking after the cattle fall on these two person's shoulders.

How is the scene 'Of Mice and Men' with crooks different?

The scene with Crooks in "Of Mice and Men" is different because it highlights the theme of racial discrimination. Crooks, being the only African American character on the ranch, faces isolation and is marginalized due to his race. This scene sheds light on the harsh realities of racism during that time period.

How are crooks and curleys wife different?

Crooks is a black stable hand who faces racial discrimination on the ranch, while Curley's wife is a white woman who struggles with loneliness and isolation. Crooks holds a position of authority in the stable, while Curley's wife is seen as a troublemaker by the other men on the ranch.