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'Crossing traffic' means the traffic that is crossing in front of you moving left to right and vice-versa.

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Q: What does crossing traffic mean if your in a car?
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When was Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge created?

Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge was created in 1888.

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Red=stop red flashing= light is broken, use your judgement in crossing.

What is the difference between a lollipop lady and a pelican crossing?

A lollipop lady is a crossing guard who helps children safely cross the road at designated points, whereas a pelican crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing controlled by traffic lights. Lollipop ladies use a stop sign on a stick to halt traffic, while pelican crossings have signal-controlled lights for pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

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You have to wait for all the traffic to go .

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yoo are

How do you protect yourself from traffic?

By crossing at a pedestrian crossing and by looking left and right

A book is sitting on a dashboard of a car that's stopped at a traffic light As the car?

i do not have a clue what your talking about! why not define what you mean?

How many hours by car from Toronto International Airport to Buffalo International Airport?

Minimum of 2 hrs in good traffic and no delay at the border crossing. Could be twice as long during rush hour and on a busy day at the border crossing.

What is the difference between a pelican crossing and a pedestrian crossing?

the difference is that you have to wait to cross a pelican crossing, but a school crossing, someone just stands in the middle of the road and stops cars and lets you cross quicker. Pelican crossing: traffic lights for pedestrians and vehicles; button-operated.

What are 3 ways to stop traffic at junctions without using traffic lights?

policemen Also, stop signs and traffic circles (or "roundabouts") - altho they don't stop traffic, they perform the same function. From @MunicipalSigns: A pedestrian crossing sign (especially in California). A School Crossing zone. A railway crossing zone (Circular yellow sign with "RR" and "X")

A school crossing sign is what in traffic school?

A warning sign.

In Animal Crossing can you get a car?

No you cant get a ******* car