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Q: What does declaration of default means in child custody case?
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Do temporary child support and temporary custody mean the same thing?

No. Custody means the child lives with you. Support means you are paying the parent who has custody.

What exactly is physical custody?

Physical custody means that a person (typically the parent) has the right to have the child living with them. This could be sole physical custody, or even joint physical custody in which the parents share custody of their child.

What is liberal partial custody?

it means the person who have custody have to deiced when the child can visit the other party,

What does change of legal custody of the child means?

It means that another person is appointed to receive decision making powers as far as the child is concerned. Depending on the jurisdiction, it may also include physical custody (where the child lives) but may not. One parent may have physical custody (the child lives with them) but another parent, legal custody. It can get pretty complicated and mind boggling. You'd have to look at the custody document to get a good idea of what it means in your particular case.

What does it mean to have 50 percent child custody?

If it refers to physical custody it means that the child spends half the time with one parent and the other half with the other parent. If it refers to legal custody it means that both parents have an equal right to make important decisions that will affect the child.

Can a father win custody of the child if the child has the mothers last name?

The name given the child does not affect custody. The court looks at the ability of the parent to provide a stable environment with the means to support the child.

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.

Child born out of wedlock mean both parents have joint custody?

A child born out of wedlock means only the mother has legal custody. Paternity must be established by a court order or stipulation.

Can you cross Canadian border with children?

yes you can but you require your birth certificate and passport for all and if having custody of child legal papers allowing you to cross the border with the child. that means signed waiver from other parent if custody of child is with you.

What is permanent custody?

It means that the person named is the legal guardian of the child until they become an adult, or until the court rules differently as the result of a later custody case. It differs from temporary custody, where a person is named the legal guardian of the child for a limited period.

I am married but separated from my husband we have a 1 year old child and I have custody with no order What are your legal rights until you get a custody order you live in MN?

You now only have physical custody, but both you and your husband have equal custody rights to the child. That means he has a right to have physical custody too, and will not get into any trouble if he physically takes the child into his care. If you are afraid he might take the child, you will need to obtain a temporary custody order, signed by a judge, to make sure you become the custodial parent. That said, depending on your husband, the longer you have physical custody of the child, the more difficult it will be for your husband to obtain legal custody should you divorce.

If a custody schedule is mandated by the court say Monday-Thursday what exactly does having primary custody give you for rights and obligations?

having primary custody means you are the custodial parent because you have the child for the majority of the time, (meaning more than 50%)in support court that helps alot, since you have the child the majority of the time(more than 50%) that makes you the custodial parent and you have the right to receive child support Primary custody just means that the child lives "mostly" with that parent. Here are the definitions in CA 3000. Unless the provision or context otherwise requires, the definitions in this chapter govern the construction of this division. 3002. "Joint custody" means joint physical custody and joint legal custody. 3003. "Joint legal custody" means that both parents shall share the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child. 3004. "Joint physical custody" means that each of the parents shall have significant periods of physical custody. Joint physical custody shall be shared by the parents in such a way so as to assure a child of frequent and continuing contact with both parents, subject to Sections 3011 and 3020. 3006. "Sole legal custody" means that one parent shall have the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child. 3007. "Sole physical custody" means that a child shall reside with and be under the supervision of one parent, subject to the power of the court to order visitation. You need to view the case law to get more details. for more info visit