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It means that the writer has explicitly stated his/her ideas and the reader knows the topic immediately.

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Q: What does directly stated main ideas mean?
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What is the difference between the main events and idea?

main events mean the main things or big things that happen in a story, and ideas mean what you think of.

What if a paragraph does not have a topic sentence?

Implied Main Ideas sometimes,there is no topic sentence in a paragraph. this does not mean,that there is no main idea. (implied) (:-)

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The correct answer is : not directly stated

What deos inference mean?

Inference refers to the process of drawing logical conclusions based on available information or evidence. It involves making educated guesses or predictions using reasoning and critical thinking skills. It is commonly used in various fields such as science, mathematics, and literature to interpret data and reach meaningful conclusions.

What does key ideas mean?

The main ideas or themes. Imagine the subject is a tree. The key ideas is the trunk. The secondary ideas or themes would be the branches that come off the key ideas. All of those secondary ideas originally come from the key ideas.

What does summarises mean?

The abstract summarises the main ideas in the paper, of ur work. Also to do dot points or main ideas of ur story...... which i would say is a good sum up for the meaning summarise:)))))))))))))))))) :P thank-yoo for lookin at my answer.!!! The abstract summaizes the main idea.

Can both stated and implied themes requires active reading?

To understand both stated and implied themes of particular write-up, article or store, active reading is really needed. You need to uncover what the events in the story mean and what are the underlying themes and ideas.

What does it mean to summarize text?

To summarize is to briefly give the highlights or main points of the text.

What happens if your paragraph does not have a topic sentence?

if a paragraph does not have a topic sentence then

What does unwarranted mean?

Unwarranted means not justified or unwarranted. An example of this word used in a sentence is, the girl kept throwing unwarranted claims at her friend who had no involvement with the issue at hand.

How do you spell ideas?

oh you mean ideas

What does comparte las ideas mean?

"share the ideas"