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I'm drinking a lot of Orange Juice now. I've squeezed like 20 Oranges today, and I still have one more to go, I put it in a Ziploc in the refrigerator.

I suggest for everyone of any age to have no more than 3 glasses of that DELICIOUS AND ORGASMIC orange juice!

Yes TOO MUCH SUGAR and TOO MUCH ACID for your body.

Coke? well, no more than 1 glass a day, but still full of SUGAR and ACID!

But basically, I cant tell you. You would have to factor in your age, your weight, your nutrient needs, and all that. But I would assume, it's safe to drink it until you're full. As long as you don't FORCE it down you'll be fine, as the body eliminates excess nutrient waste products, through urine!

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12y ago
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14y ago

Orange juice naturally contains a lot of citric acid. If you ingest too much in a short amount of time, the rapid influx of citric can imbalance the hydrocholoric acid produced by your stomach and you may throw up. trhbfvZXsazx

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15y ago

There's the possibility of overdosing on vitamin C, which is not deadly, but it will result in watery diarrhea

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15y ago

you can get stomach ache and it could make you feel sick

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Q: What does drinking too much orange juice do to you?
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Is drinking too much grape juice bad?

Well, if drinking too much apple juice seems to be bad then I think grape juice is too, but only if its not made entirely of grape.

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Why do people who drink a pitcher of orange juice frequently go to the washroom?

They are took in too much water which was in the orange juice.

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What kind of digestive problems can drinking too much orange juice cause?

One common reaction to orange juice is heartburn, especially on an empty stomach in people who are prone to acid reflux. Also related to the high acid level in orange juice is enamel erosion of the teeth. Large doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

Is drinking too much juice bad?

Well, if drinking too much apple juice seems to be bad then I think Grape Juice is too, but only if its not made entirely of grape.

Can drinking too much prune juice hurt you?

Drinking too much prune juice can lead to diarrea, gas, and painful abdominal cramps. Over time it can alter the ph level of your digstive track.

Orange juice with pulp is made of?

It is made from juice, water and pulp.

Why is my dark hair turning light orange?

because you are drinking too much apple juice! apple juice has been linked to adding testosterone into the body, making (if female) your toes go a dark purple colour. This can lead to malnutrition causing your brain to hallucinate, making you believe you are turning a light orange colour!

Why do you die if you drink too much orange juice?

I would recommend drinking LOTS of water to counter-act all the juice so that you do not get sick. Too much of any juice raises the pH level of your body and can cause you to have stomach problems, nausea, headaches, and all sorts of unpleasant side-effects. -Keep in mind that the pH of your stomach is 1-2. The pH of OJ is ~3.5, and the pH of water is 7. Drinking more water will only serve to raise the pH of your stomach even more. Although drinking lots of OJ can cause digestive problems, it's not because of the pH.

What is Albert Einsteins known for?

Albert Einstein is known for partying too hard with his friends and family. he is also known for eating a lot of food and drinking too much juice.