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Eggs are very nutrient dense and energy dense with lots of vitamins, protein, and fats. That makes sense when you think about how a fertilized egg has to feed a baby chick until it hatches. Even though the baby chick isn't in the egg when you eat it, all of the nutrients are still present. One egg contains over six grams of protein and several important nutrients. However, one egg also contains about 212 mg of cholesterol which is a lot. The recommendation for cholesterol consumption is about 300mg per day. But that really shouldn't scare you away from eating eggs. :) Most of the cholesterol in your body is made by your liver and the amount of cholesterol in your diet may not have a big impact on your blood cholesterol as people once thought.

One egg has about 80 calories with more than 5 grams of fat, so keep that in mind if you are counting fat and calorie intake. One egg is good, just don't eat 3 or 4. You can reduce fat by using one whole egg and extra egg whites if one egg isn't enough.

Eggs contain several important nutrients:

Choline: which is necessary for healthy cell membranes in all of your body and will help your body keep homocysteine levels down. Choline is also good for your mental function and memory.

Selenium: a mineral that your body needs for a strong immune system and it is a powerful antioxidant.

B vitamins folate and riboflavin: which are necessary for your body to convert foods you eat into energy. Folate also reduces homocysteine levels and is important for prevention of birth defects.

Vitamin A: important for good night vision, general cell growth, and for healthy skin.

Vitamin E: which is an antioxidant that works well with vitamin C and selenium to prevent damage to your body from free radicals

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: related to vitamin A and are found in the yellow pigment of the egg yolk. They are concentrated in the tetina of your eye and will help prevent macular degeneration.

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