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Q: What does elrond discover on the map?
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How does the stop in rivendell help the dwarves move toward attaining their goal?

It provided additional knowledge about the map and swords. It allowed them to rest and resupply before continuing their journey.

Who in The Hobbit gave the travilers valuble information about their map and sword?

It was Elrond Halfelven of Rivendell that not only identified the swords, but also told them what the map said and identified the moon runes.

When was Elrond created?

Elrond was created in 1937.

What was Elrond able to read for the travelers in 'The Hobbit'?

He read the engravings on the swords they had found in the troll's hoard. He also saw the moon runes on the map.

What did the thror's map say in the hobbit?

He warned them about the creatures and things in Mirkwood.

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What does Elrond do after the Council meets?

Elrond takes into consideration all the resolution of the council after they meet.

What important discovery does elrond make about the map in the hobbit?

Well he obviously wasn't aware of the presence of moon-letters and probably never thought to hold it up against the moon. I mean, who would? Elrond is more knowledgeable and perhaps had experience with these. I would say that Thorin is less observant and knowledgeable.

What coincidence helps the dwarves during their stay in Rivendell in chapter 3?

The coincidence that helps the dwarves during their stay at Rivendell is when the moon comes out while Elrond is looking at the map. It has moon runes on it with extra information. This helps them along the journey to get to the treasure.

What is Elrond's complete name in 'The Hobbit'?

His full name was Elrond. He was also known as the half-elven (peredhil) and this was sometimes attached to the end of his name. Elrond is 'Star-Dome.'

Who is the master of the last homely house in The Hobbit?

"The master" is the human leader of Laketown, a pretentious and greedy man, though admittedly intelligent and with good business sense.

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you can discover that secret by looking at a map !