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Clumps of dirt or soil is the way that finished compost looks like. Compost looks dark in color and smells fresh. The organic matter of which it is composed resembles healthy batches of dirt and soil which are ever so slightly moistened and which feel smooth and thick to the touch.

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Q: What does finished compost look like?
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How does compost look like?

It depends on what sort of compost you get. But multipurpose compost is like soil but it hasn't got any rocks in it.

How does finished compost look?

Dark soil is the way in which finished compost looks. Compost results from the natural breakdown of recyclable materials into their elementary forms. In terms of eligible household and yard compostable materials, decomposition yields dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich, soil-like organic matter known more formally as humus and more frequently as compost.

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Compost is like fertilizer for flowers. Your carnations will grow bigger.

What does compost heap smell like?

No, compost bins do not smell if proper materials are recycled and proper procedure is followed, but yes, they will if improper or proper materials are not aerated, layered, moisturized, and turned adequately. Compost bins yield a dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich product with correctly aerated, heated, moisturized carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials.

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What should be the ratio of compost to water in brewing?

One to three is the ratio of compost to water in brewing compost tea. The process requires unchlorinated water being added to a bucket that is one-third filled with finished compost. The compost will be strained for application as soil amendment, fertilizer or mulch while the watery residue will be diluted at the rate of 1 to 10 in unchlorinated water prefatory to pouring or spraying within four hours.

What does compost taste like?

It depends on what you are putting in your compost bin. The best kind of compost contains nutrients obtained from the fecal matter of animals. So, a lot like fecal matter. Try spooning your own poop into your mouth next time you go number two and you won't have to eat compost to get an idea of what it tastes like.

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