

Best Answer
Yes There IsHere is a partial list of the chemicals in Commercially manufactured cigarettes. The first part are chemicals known to cause cancer, called carcinogens. Here are chemicals in cigarette smoke.

Dimethylnitrosamine, Nitrosopyrrolidine, Hydrazine, Vinyl Chloride, Urethane, Formaldehyde

Other Toxic Agents: Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide, Acrolein, Acetadehyde, Nitrogen oxides, Ammonia, Pyridine, Nitric acid, Mathylamine, Hydrogen cyanide, Indole, 3-hydroxypyridine, 3-vinylpyridine, Acetone, Acetonitrile, Acrolein, 1,3-Butadiene, mg, Nitrous acid, isoquioline, Isoamylamine, 3-Cyanopyridine

The above is quoted from the website linked below.


Formaldehyde is also produced endogenously (naturally) by the human body! It's also used as a food preservative. It occurs naturally in the environment and is absorbed by all plants, not just tobacco.

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12y ago

formaldehyde is what they put in dead bodies to perserve it for viewing....i have not idea why they put it in smokes. also they put turppintine, salt peter,etc. i heard there are 250 types of chemicals in smoke here in Canada

formaldehyde is what they put in dead bodies to perserve it for viewing....i have not idea why they put it in smokes. also they put turppintine, salt peter,etc. i heard there are 250 types of chemicals in smoke here in Canada

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Q: What does formaldehyde found in smokeless tobacco do to your body?
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How does smokeless tobacco affect the male reproductive organs?

Smokeless tobacco does not affect the reproductive organs of either male or female. It contains nicotine, a mild stimulant, which has similar effects of caffeine on the cardiovascular system, but other than that it is basically harmless (see for more information on the risks associated with smokeless tobacco). The reason for its benignness compared to smoking is that it does not contain the thousands of chemicals and carcinogens that a lit cigarette does. Cigarettes are cancerous because of the combustion. The moment a cigarette is lit on fire, thousands of chemicals and carcinogens are created and inhaled into the lungs (a sensitive organ that bypasses many of the body's natural defenses). Smokeless tobacco is absorbed through the tissues of the mouth, and does not contain the thousands of chemicals found in smoke. Many public health sites claim that smokeless tobacco causes cancer, however, this is rarely backed up (look for references to studies for claims like these; there are rarely any at all and those that are referenced are very old or poorly done). If I could point you to one excellent study on the effects of smokeless tobacco and cancer it would be this recent meta-analysis of the majority of good research done thus far, which can be found here: According to the National Cancer Institute, there is a definite cause and effect between use of smokeless tobacco and cancer of the oral cavity. Smokeless tobacco has 28 chemicals that have been found to cause cancer. See the related link for more information.

How does smokelesstobbaco harm the body?

Smokeless tobacco still contains chemicals. At least 28 chemicals in smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, for example nitrosamines and polonium-210 (a radioactive element). The tobacco can also cause heart disease, gum disease and oral lesions.Smokeless tobacco is as dangerous as regular tobacco which you smoke.The dangerous chemicals in the tobacco makes it's way down in your body with your saliva and are able to pass trough the tissue in your mount in to your bloodstream.

What do cigarettes and smokeless tobacco have in common?

They're both made of tobacco and both serve as a method of delivering nicotine to the human body.

What does smokeless tobacco do to the heart?

Smokeless tobacco and cigarettes affects the heart by increasing your chances of getting a heart attack. After constant exposure to the substances in tobacco, the arteries in your body start to shrink. This increases your cholesterol level and white cell count, which in turn causes a blockage in the artery. This restricts the blood and oxygen supply flowing to the heart which triggers the heart attack.

How do cigars nicotine enter the body?

Smokeless tobacco can be used a few different ways depending on how it is cut there is chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, snus (spitless), or snuff. there are a few different ways to use smokeless tobacco. most people enjoy putting the tobacco under the lip and spitting the juices except with the snus. but with snuff or course pulverized tobacco can be inhaled through the nose which isn't as common these days. i have also herd of people putting tobacco in there socks. this is actually highly effective in absorbing nicotine some experts may argue its dangerous as the pours in your feet are very large and may absorb too much nicotine but i have my doubts.

What does chewing tobacco do to your body?

Contrary to popular belief smokeless tobacco is not as harmful to you as once thought. It has not been linked scientifically to oral cancer, unlike smoking. The combo of smoking and drinking is a major cause of cancers in the mouth, throat, etc.

Is chewing tobacco safer than smoking?

While the available evidence shows that smokeless tobacco may be less dangerous than cigarettes are, long-term use of chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products can cause serious health problems. That's because they can contain about 30 cancer-causing substances. Like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco also contains nicotine, which can cause you to become addicted.AddictionBecause smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, you can get addicted, just as you can with cigarettes and other tobacco products. Your body may actually absorb more nicotine from chewing tobacco or snuff than it does from a cigarette. Just as with smoking, withdrawal from smokeless tobacco causes signs and symptoms such as intense cravings, increased appetite, irritability and depressed mood. Also, over time, you develop a tolerance for the nicotine in chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products, and you need more to feel the desired effects. This may lead you to dangerous habits - using brands with more nicotine, using more often, leaving chew in your mouth overnight and swallowing tobacco juices.CancerYour risk of certain types of cancer increases if you use chewing tobacco or other types of smokeless tobacco. This includes esophageal cancer and various types of oral cancer, including cancers of your mouth, throat, cheek, gums, lips and tongue. Surgery to remove cancer from any of these areas can leave your jaw, chin, neck or face disfigured, and the cancer may be life-threatening. You also face increased risks related to pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer.CavitiesChewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco cause tooth decay. That's because chewing tobacco contains high amounts of sugar, which contributes to cavities. Chewing tobacco also contains coarse particles that can irritate your gums and scratch away at the enamel on your teeth, making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.Gum diseaseThe sugar and irritants in chewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth in the area of your mouth where you place the chew. Over time you can develop gum disease (gingivitis), which can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss. And like cigarettes, chewing tobacco and other smokeless products can stain your teeth and cause bad breath.Heart diseaseSmokeless tobacco increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Some evidence suggests that long-term use of smokeless tobacco increases your risk of dying of certain types of heart disease and stroke.Precancerous mouth lesionsSmokeless tobacco increases your risk of developing small white patches called leukoplakia (loo-ko-PLAY-kee-uh) inside your mouth where the chew is most often placed. These mouth lesions are precancerous - meaning that the lesions could one day become cancer. If you stop using smokeless tobacco products, the lesions usually go away within a few months.

Does the body make formaldehyde from alcohol?

No, not the kind of alcohol that you drink. Your body metabolizes drinking alcohol (ethanol) through a series of steps, one of which is acetylaldehyde, a chemical related to formaldehyde. However, the body metabolizes methanol, another kind of alcohol, into formaldehyde.

What Chemical as affect on body when smoking?

Acetone( used in nail polish remover), methanol(used as fuel for torches), nicotene(poison), cyanide(used as insect killer), ammonia( bathroom cleaner), formaldehyde(used as dead tissue preservative), carbon mononoxide(used as an anti-freeze in cars), and acetylene( found in car exhaust) NEVER SMOKE

What is the chemical found in tobacco products that acts as a stimulant or depressant in the body?


What is a chemical found in tobacco products that acts as a stimulant or a depressant in the body?


Is a chemical found in tobacco products that acts as a stimulant or depressant in the body.?
